Finding the balance...
Let's face it, a lot of business websites are pretty standard. I wanted to weave in some personal content to help you get a better idea of who I am and how I can help small businesses, startups, and nonprofit with improving their financial and operations management. 

A lot of that content is still being designed, but for now check out some great plant-based recipes and find some resources for reducing your impact when it comes to consuming. 

Please let me know your feedback through the social links at the bottom of the page!

About me

From the professional perspective, I have over 16 years of experience in the public and private sectors guiding organizations to improve their operations. You can find the specific details on my LinkedIn, but this site should help you to see more of a whole picture of what I can provide to you and your organization. 

Our specialty services

Fast and reliable service

Whether you need help with your finances, advice on theoretical matters or assistance with practical tasks, you can rely on us to get the job done.

Discretion you can trust

Regardless of the subject matter, you can count on our full discretion: Your privacy is our highest priority. Contact us and see for yourself.

We guarantee fast results


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Our qualified employees
are available to help
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Our services

Financial advisory, risk, and compliance

The right advice
Nonprofit, Startup, Small Business and Social Enterprise Consulting, Mentoring and Coaching
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A strong partner
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